Monday, January 20, 2014

Counselor for All: One Tool Solution for All Problems

I don’t know if you know the type? You must know him! It’s the guy you don’t ask anything but he happens to crawl all over your life’s intimate details (which you didn’t tell him, and strangely which are incorrect). And there is solution for everything, if you happen to tell different problems.

And strangely enough – all the solutions are exactly the same. Guy knows some nirvana equilibrium solution that solves all the problems. I am thunderstruck for once (that’s probably not even an expression, but you try being with that guy).

But not for long, mind you. As the guy continues to speak – everything becomes bleach. It is the same sentences with number of permutation as long as guy’s vocabulary is. But even he spends all the words, if you can recognize the pattern – any pattern; you are onto him in minutes if not inside one minute.

It is nightmarish connection. The one I really don’t want. The one I certainly don’t need. To meet a person who fills 99% space about me with presumptions, and picks up 1% of casual info about me. It’s a nightmare on Counselor from Hell Street.

But I imagine there is one place worse to be than with that guy. In that’s guy head. Can you imagine that? How annoying is that? I mean, obviously for everyone around! But how about thinking one single thought about any and every worlds and people issue? Thank you, but no thanks.

And thinking about this last thought – I guess that is the strategy in there for dealing with that kind of person. I mean, obviously you will leave that guy’s company as soon as opportunity presents itself, but in the meantime: Why not think how it would be to be that guy? That’s a salvation thought for time you are for some reason stuck with that guy.

Do you have any thoughts of your own about Counselor for All?


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