Friday, January 31, 2014

Differences and Accepting differences

You are so different. I don’t want to have anything with you. This can be heard a lot. But if it was executed in global way, if something like that was possible, it would mean we have one single person in the world, and we have billions of billions instances of that same person.

That would be kind of boring if you ask me. Ultimate boring – to be more precise. What if I would go to store nearby and said hello to tens of Me on my way there? Cashier me would push back Me exchange from shopping. Me Me would said: Thank you Me, to cashier Me. Next in line customer Me would said: give Me two extra bags for My stuff. And cashier Me would said: Most certainly mister Me. I haven’t seen you lately – how are other Mes in your family?

You get the picture, right?!

Now, thing that make friendships, loves and all these stuff worth living for are in fact our differences. And not just any differences – mind you – because it just doesn't work in that arbitrary fashion. These are complementary differences. Two objects, words, sentences, behaviors etc. that fit nicely together.

For example: You have your speakers and listeners. Also, could be mouth and ears on different persons. They can also change turns. You have your huggers and persons seeking affection, waiting to be hugged. You have your sufferers and comforters. There are wives and husbands. And so on…

There are, of course, toxic differences as well. It is basically numerous variation of mankind long lived problem that could be summed as following: You have single territory. It is divided between two persons. And somewhere in the border of their separate areas within territory plum grows. And the question of all questions is: On whose side plum is?

But I think differences need to be appreciated and cherished. We are the ones that should ask for complementarities within our differences. It is our task, each individual on its own. And yes, with many others we will not have any particular number of complementarities. But with enough of them there will be a bunch. It is a bunch worth living for.

And yes, toxic ones – whose plum it is – we should avoid at every cost. Let the plum be. Whoever owns it doesn’t change the fact it is just the plum on otherwise huge territory.

Accepting differences is necessity in living, it allows us to see what can complement us – and enables to seek that other part of love, friendship, partnership etc.

So enjoy your differences!


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