Friday, May 30, 2014

Truth has no agenda!

Truth gives perspective and provides purpose. It has no agenda on its own. It is what it is. Different perspectives can make us see different things looking at the same object or situation. True. But all the qualities of the object or situation remain the same regardless of perspective or who is looking.

In the end it seems it doesn't matter that much – seeking the truth that is. So many people are ready to fight to death for, what is in all honesty, pure trivia. Like the true way of putting your paste onto toothbrush (it’s by squeezing the bottom part, of course ;-).

But I would side with those that say that unexamined life is not worth living. And truth, as much as achievable to us as extremely subjective entities, is in my opinion in center of such examination. Thus, correcting once stance when you find additional perspectives, additional facts on what is, such correction of views that brings us closer to truth, it teaches us, nurtures and grows us as human beings. It is foundation for taking responsibilities. It shows us previous mistakes and way to correct them if possible. It closes the gap with people who already had those perspectives by making us understand them better. Honey replaces bile. And verbal communication as off as it can get, gets better. And even small changes in humility, understanding, saying sorry and loving more by way of better understanding goes really long way.

So, even truth by itself has no agenda, it helps us that our agenda of seeking truth and growing trough that journey is met. Many times we are not up to the task. Yet, if we try long and hard enough, it is close, in our grasp.

So let us try our best grasping it.
