Sunday, December 15, 2013

Negative feelings as viruses of the mind! (Part 2)

Fight to prevent infection!

In my view viruses of the mind create whole mental and psychic disease. But even as our brain is biased towards negative (I have read from Dr. Rick Hanson you need 5 positive thoughts to counter one negative thought), I still believe that except in rare occasions (like our boxer in the beginning of the story), it takes several bad thoughts that create bad feeling(s) in us to become virus of the mind, that can infect us in a way described in previous paragraph.

How can we counter this? Let’s stick with our job seeking example. If I have some writing skill, and apply to jobs that require them, and get rejected 100 times, have I lost my writing skills? Have I forgotten how to construct a sentence? How to make analogy? How to make a point in the end? I seriously doubt that is the case.

And here is where I - lay person - and Dr. Dawkins go in separate direction. I believe that viruses of the mind to exist. I believe they are toxic. And I believe that they can even be lethal mentally and consequently – physically. But, with faith that is proven – like in job seeking: in our abilities, skills and knowledge – with that kind of faith in something invisible, yet without a doubt there – it is possible to counter and cure viruses of the mind.

Just be aware it is a struggle. These are huge enemies not just in job seeking; they are also enemies of taking good advice and listening for critique (like described in this post about eating an elephant here); in believing that we are loved and worth to be loved. They are also enemies of our self-worth, killers of our confidence and stalkers of our happiness in sense that they want to make us fearful of feeling good and happy.

So, in conclusion – I declare war to viruses of the mind, pests that negate what is really good in us. I intend to fight with them with warm feelings of friendship, true love, appreciation of self and others; I will bleed for cause like gratitude for all the wonderful people in existence and all the great deeds that they did, and continue to do so.

Please, join me in only war I will ever participate – fight with me against viruses of the mind!

(click here for part 1)

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